Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A......feeling of the moment!

A contribute given
An appreciation not given back
A feeling of slumber came upon

A thought of give
A never thought of take
A feeling of worth it

A give back of not of value
A swallow of d not appreciate value
A feeling of clashes in between

A car jz ran over us
A needle just prick on our skin
A feeling of uncertainty overcome between us

A dagger was sent in between us
A dagger spear into our heart
A feeling of awkwardness is growing already

A shed of blood has dip out
A pain of d wound is endure
A feeling of fiery is form in d body n mind

A wound has turn into a scar
A scar was meant to be a shattered heart
A feeling of loosing the used-to-be closeness

A shattered heart hard to be mend back
A pain will last as long it beat
A feeling of disappointment I take

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet this poetry here made have a link before this post? You are a person who do not show a straight set of your problem. You make your reader guess on your sick mind and that strike an interest sense for me and bringing my vision back here all the time.