I'll tell u one thing, if things keep going on the way they are, its going to be imposibble to buy a week's groceries for rm20.
Have u seen the new car coming out next year? It wont be long before rm10k will only buy a second hand one.
If ciggy keep going up in price, I m going to quit. rm7 is ridiculous.
When i first started driving who would have thought the gas would someday cost so much. Guess we better off leaving the car in the garage.
Kids today r impossible. Those duck tail hair cuts make it impossible to groomed. Next thg u know, boys will wearing their hair as long as the girls.
I m afraid to send my kids to the movie anymore. Eversince they let Clark Gable says "damn" in 'Gone with the wind,' it seems like nowadays movie has either "hell", "damn" or even "f*ck" in it.
I read the other day tat some scientist thinks it's possible to put a man in the moon by the end of the century.
Did u c whr some football player just signed a contract for rm75k a yr jz to play ball? It wouldn't be surprise me if someday they'll be making more than the president.
Marriage doesnt mean a thg anymore; those artist seems to be getting a divorced at the drop of a hat.
Thank God, I wouldnt live to tat day to c the day whn government takes half our income for taxes.
I sometimes wonder if we r electing d best ppl to govt.
No one can afford to be sick anymore; rm35 to visit a doc is 2 rich for my blood. If they think i`ll pay rm25 for a haircut, forget bout it!
-old ppl jz like 2 criticise bout future-
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